Hellenic Athletics Federation (S.E.G.A.S.) proceeded to a beautiful event of love and giving for the beneficiaries of EXELIXI ZOIS, by donating to all the children living in the collaborating closed child protection structures, the official T-shirts of the Athens Marathon.

This social action was an occasion to fill the children's faces with smiles of joy, since to their great surprise the T-shirts were handed over by the 2nd European champion and holder of the Panhellenic record in the 400m, Maria Belimbasaki, who represented the Federation, along with the President of EXELIXI ZOIS, Ms. Dimitra Kalantoni. Ms. Kalantoni wholeheartedly thanked the beloved athlete and conveyed to her the special importance of this "hug" for the beneficiaries.

The children, who are involved in various sports, were thrilled with Maria’s idea to train with her as soon as conditions allow it and after exchanging wishes and teasing, they promised to renew their appointment for the new year.

This Christmas, more than ever, we need acts of solidarity and contribution to our fellow human beings and vulnerable social groups, and furthermore effective synergies in the effort for a fairer society for all.