The newly-founded NGO EXELIXI ZOIS made its debut and announced important collaborations, in a ceremony that took place in its headquarters, on Monday 9th October.


The focus is on the direct and immediate support of children housed in institutions for this newly founded NGO. The vision it serves is to provide children with all the necessary equipment for a bright and confident future. By its side, it has the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (ISN), which supports the NGO's first steps with its founding donation.

The people behind EXELIXI ZOIS with devotion and sensitivity paid attention to the problems encountered by the children that grow up in institutions as well as the staff employed for their care and decided to make a difference by organizing three directional actions: programs to support children from the age of 12, young adults up to 25 , who are about to face life outside institutions for the first time, and for the staff employed there.

Following a holistic approach, EXELIXI ZOIS will provide educational, sports, artistic and social actions to help them develop skills and abilities. To achieve this, Exelixi Zois will work closely with all those who work with the children. training and supporting them to achieve maximum results. Meanwhile, it will make sure that all youngsters near adulthood will not feel alone as they will get all the support they need, a place to stay as well as help in getting employment, tailormade to their individual needs and dreams. To this end, EXELIXI ZOIS plans and carries out counseling and professional career programs, while at the same time emphasizing the benefits of volunteering.

The SOS CHILDREN Village in Vari and the Young People's home, as well as the Girl's Home Agios Alexandros, are the first three institutions with which EXELIXI ZOIS will begin its operations, intending to increase the number of institutions they are working with and the children who benefit.

"The vision of the organization is a society providing equal opportunities to all and one where children enjoy all fundamental rights and function as active, self-reliant future citizens.", was stressed by the president and managing director of EXELIXI ZOIS, Mrs. Demetra Kalantoni during the opening ceremony. At the same time, she added:"The founding of EXELIXI ZOIS was made possible with the valuable contribution of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation. Our gratitude to our founding donor remains sincere and steadfast".

According to Rosalind Benjamin, member of the board of Donations in the Stavros Niarchos Foundation "All those that led to the founding of EXELIXI ZOIS begin with the recognition of this relentless need and basic idea: for all children to grow in conditions that will help them become independent and whole adults, valuable and essential members of our society.

For their important and effective collaboration with EXELIXI ZOIS, the representatives of these first three institutions had something to say.

According to the general director of SOS VILLAGES, Mr. George Protopapa: "The presence of EXELIXI ZOIS in the future of these children's lives is fundamental. From our side, honoring our great donor too, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, we will do our best to ensure that the children's lives are in their own hands". Helena Kogia, director of the Girl's Home Agios Alexandros in Paleo Faliro, stressed: "All of us working on this project share a common vision for these children, to see them prosper, evolve and grow stronger and integrate into society. Concluding, the director of the Christodoulio Girl's Orphanage, Mr. Georgios Christoforakis noted: "EXELIXI ZOIS gives our children wings. We want you to continue your work and rest assured that our society will improve".


The NGO EXELIXI ZOIS was founded in March 2018 and is aimed at minors and adults of adolescent or post adolescent age, coming from closed child protection institutions. Our aim at EXELIXI ZOIS is to take care of young people aged 12-17 as well as care for those 18-25 who have left or are leaving institutional care. Our actions aim to ensure that the passage from one age group to another is done smoothly and that at the same time these young people have all the support, practical and psychological, to be able to claim a better future and face tomorrow with confidence.

ISN (The Stavros Niarchos Foundation) supports EXELIXI ZOIS

The founding of EXELIXI ZOIS was made possible with the valuable contribution of the ISN,The ISN with its founding donation supports the first steps of NGO EXELIXI ZOIS, and in particular actions aimed at educating, exercising ,assisting the cultural and social development as well as the psychological support of young people living in closed care institutions.